“Pojasnoi” Saviour
Copy of the Saviour of Novgorod School (late XV – early XVI century) stored in Tret’jakov Gallery in Moscow.
Chist Pantocrator, in Greek, means “Who holds everything”. This image, which is painted from the waist up, aims to recreate the humble life of this man from Nazareth along with his Highness. He is wearing a red tunic (chiton), which symbolizes his regality and a blue cape (himation), representing his humanness.
It is easy to notice that the tunic has many blue shades, creating a fusion, an interaction of both natures. The position of his fingers has a double meaning: three joined fingers symbolize the Holy Trinity and the other ones the two natures of Christ.
The translation of the sentence I chose, written on the opened Gospel, is:”Learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart”. The gilding of the halo is performed with fire-gilding and gold leaf.